
Topic: Super Mario Maker 2 Level Sharing

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SGE2000 wrote:

So, after 1000+ hours my world is finished !
(and so am I !)
World ID : 62L-6MH-MQG
36 levels with 36 chambers
Mix and match with all styles and themes
Levels are standard jump and run, no kaizo, no chess.
360 coins, 10 red coins and 18 1-ups in every level.
Hope someone enjoys !!!
...and happy new year

I'm glad people like you keep the thread alive by posting levels. I know a fair amount of NintendoLife readers still play the game , so hopefully some will try levels even if they don't speak up here. Although I'm looking forward to smm3 for the community to really get crazy again (fingers crossed 2025).

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Yep i just did story mode and when the game came outi used to watch alot of kaizo levels so my level probably suck lol.
I will share them along with some new ones! (later today)

Space and Games are similar. Space is endless and new stuff is out there waiting to be discovered. Games are always being made but the creativity is different from one game to another and so many more ideas still haven't been imagined or created yet. (That came out better than expected lol)

Switch Friend Code: SW-1116-1320-6156


Here is the improved version of my level SV9-YGB-J7G



Benjikoopa wrote:

Here is the improved version of my level SV9-YGB-J7G

Is that the right code? My game can't find it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Benjikoopa wrote:

@FishyS Oh sorry it was S9V-YGB-J7G

Fun level! Definitely easier now and I feel like the changes also made it thematically more consistent than it was before. The boss is still hilarious but 100 times more beatable with the extra power-up.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Anyone love one screen puzzles but stuck on some? I’ve been trying to work through HomieNick!’s catalog. Surprisingly I’ve gotten through a dozen, but I’m stuck on two. ‘Stay strong one screen puzzle PMR-F4V-D0H’ and ‘Free me one screen puzzle TC2-TL2-YXG’. If anyone can clear, tips appreciated. I could share where I am but it may just taint your experience and then you’ll be trapped down my ‘presumably’ incorrect worm hole.



These are my two levels (so far); I would love to eventually get the Fried Chicken Hoodie, so any likes and comments in-game would be very much appreciated!

Raiders of the Lost Arcade (SMB, Medium, Themed) - a series of areas inspired by classic arcade games (Space Invaders, Ice Climber, Pac-Man, Mario Bros and Donkey Kong). The first small room is just a target practice area for the Space Invaders bit that follows, because you do get thrown into the middle of it a bit.

Journey of the Sorcerer (NSMBU, Easy, Traditional) - I've always loved the idea of Kamek making the flagpole disappear, so I wanted to try and build a mini narrative around it; Kamek destroys the flagpole so Mario has to go on a mission and find a way to bring it back. Nothing too challenging here, just wanted to have some fun.



@Tangocow super fun levels. My only complaint about Lost Arcade is checkpoint placement... you had 3 kind of hard sections before the checkpoint and 2 super easy ones after the checkpoint. Also I completely failed doing the mole section in the intended way but that's my own fault. 😝 But overall really good.

The other level is cute too. FYI the low clear rate is 100% people restarting to try to cheese it. 😆 which it looks like the world record holder succeeded in.

Lost Arcade deserves a ton of plays but unfortunately the game isn't as active as it used to be.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Thanks very much! Yes, I did wonder if someone might be able to cheese that one, but that's fine - as long as they had fun doing it, I don't mind!



Super Mario and the 36 Chambers
World ID : 62L-6MH-MQG
Remember my stuff ?
Thanks again for playing a couple of my worlds !
As it is really hard to get proper, educated feedback and your one of the few players I can contact, I thought I might ask !?
If you find time just let me know what you think about changing the styles inside a world ?
Are the levels to samey ? Too long ? Too overloaded ? Too boring ? ...or have just to many vines !?
Would love some more feedback from anybody!
..specially if they're Mario Maker veterans !
Cheers !

Super Mario and the 36.Chambers (SMM2)
ID : 62L-6MH-MQG


@SGE2000 I just went back and played world 6 and 7; it's nice that the game saves your progress in super worlds

First I'll say I liked almost every individual level in worlds 1-7. I didn't like some of the 3D world levels as much but that is mostly a personal preference where I feel the controls in that style aren't quite as good for levels which have a somewhat claustrophobic level design. That said, I did enjoy the styles being mixed up. And it was generally impressive how much attention to detail went into each level.

For some feedback:

For a super world, they were a lot of really long levels. Honestly if the game let you, a lot of those should have been 4-5 checkpoint levels — 36 areas is just a lot. Works fine for individual levels, but it would have been nice if the super world had some shorter levels mixed in as well as making the final castles more distinct from the typical levels. Having a theme and sticking with it is fine, but breaking up the action a little is just nice for super worlds.That said, I really liked the super fast-paced levels in world 7.

In terms of the levels themselves:

  • Yeah, too many vines. Putting vines vertically between spikes in a vertical spike jump has to be one of the most evil things I've seen in this game. tbh, it was kind of funny because it seemed like a random troll. But vines in general were probably my highest cause of death. This is more Nintendo's fault then yours though and it didn't really cause 'that' much trouble.
  • The amount of secrets you put in the game was impressive and it was fun to run across 1-ups everywhere and the occasional star, but the red coins didn't add much. Since they're mostly long levels and the red coins don't provide much benefit, it just didn't feel worthwhile chasing them down. If there had been fewer red coins and they e.g. let you take a short cut sometimes or even if they were actually required in some levels, that would have been more interesting. Note that it is pretty impossible not to get to 99 lives playing this world so although I actively searched out secrets early on I stopped doing that after a while. This is another case where the red coins are fine in an individual level but were less exciting stretched across the super world. As a side note, I did really enjoy the shortcuts when they did exist in some levels.
  • There were a lot of paths which seemed to punish you for having a mushroom and a couple paths which seemed to be impossible to get through without a mushroom. I'm sure there were alternate paths if I looked around, but it did lead to the occasional gotcha death. Not a huge deal, but it felt a little inconsistent occasionally.
  • Relatedly, you had ways to go back to get red coins... sometimes I accidentally went backwards with these without wanting to so it would have been nice if back-tracking was a little more clearly marked (maybe it is and I just never paid attention). That said, given that many of the levels felt like they had tons of paths, I was kind of impressed that almost any natural seeming route always led right to the next checkpoint. Considering how dense the levels felt, not getting
    lost actually felt kind of magical.

As for difficulty? Most levels felt like the harder side of 'normal', with some of them falling into expert territory mainly because they are long. Almost all of it felt fair and close enough to similar difficulty to not cause many problems for a less skilled player. I feel like there were one or two difficult jumps early on but I don't fully recall.

Overall good world, definitely one of the best ones which exists in the game, although maybe a bit long for some people. I wish worlds had timers, I would be curious how long it took me. I used to have some of the level world records but looks like someone named JB grabbed the world record in almost every level.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


WOW ! This is so much more than I hoped for !
Thanks a lot for all your detailed feedback !!

Have to admit I think I limited myself with my main theme! Started of on MM1 with one 36.chamber level and liked the idea. Then thought if I make a complete world it had to be with 36 level and 36 chambers each.
Wanted to cover all styles and themes except water and gimmicky night themes.
Completely agree with you regarding the 3D style, but at this point I was already committed to my idea of mixing it all up with at least one level of each style and theme.
(Which I regretted plenty of times !)
Thought the lengthy level get you the most bang for your bucks, but really get your point !
When I play through my own world I usually spread it across 3 or 4 sittings and try different paths.
Tried to break up the long and samey level structure with the optional special stages in World 4 & 8.(give them a try if you find time, they are quite unique)
Same goes for the overworld pipe levels, adding a twist to the 36chamber formula.
Still long, but different.
But making them optional in a Super World means they get skipped most of the time anyway(and you can't really track back in Super Worlds doesn't help)

Point taken on the red coins, even if they give you access to special rooms or sometimes the chance to reach the top of the flagpole, they have been kind of an afterthought.

The generous spread of Mushrooms was so even novice players can find their way through.

As for the difficulty, made all these level across the span of a couple of years and wanted them all to be ready for Xmas. ...and then I had to upload them all at once(stupid me)which was way harder than I thought ! So I had to lower the difficulty on some of them to be able to clear them myself.

...and my last excuse:
It took so long to make anyway I was just exhausted and wanted it to be done with and out there !! (for my own sanity!)

Have found plenty of rooms and corners in most of the levels I now would plan differently, but had to find an end to it someday ! (specially with knowing the online play won't be there forever)
...and now I don't want to fiddle around with it, or otherwise you couldn't have finished your saved world or that JB guy loses all of his well-deserved records.

Saying all that you can't imagine how thankful I am you took the time to play through my world and for your extremely helpful input !!!
You raised plenty of valuable points which I will consider going forward!
Wish you were around during the making process!
Didn't really have anybody with the patients to play-test a lot !
Having learned so much during the making and thanks to feedback like yours, can't wait for MM3 !
(and hope they add more decoration option than those stupid vines!)

So, thanks again for everything !
I'm not commenting a lot on here, but I check in on here quite often !
Now will have a smile on my face every time I see Toadette !!
All the best to you !

P.S. There's still the 37.chamber waiting for you
That one is definitely "more distinct"

Edited on by SGE2000

Super Mario and the 36.Chambers (SMM2)
ID : 62L-6MH-MQG


"A Room with a Clue"

I've never tried making a puzzle level before (mainly because I'm not knowledgeable enough about all the game's mechanics to make anything really clever), but I had this idea last night and wanted to give it a try with this very short level.

I wasn't sure how obvious to make the solution; obviously you don't want it to be too easy, but also I didn't want it to be frustrating, so I put in a couple of cryptic hints and hoped that I was pitching it right. No spoilers in comments please, unless they require a level clear to be viewed.

If anyone wants to give it a Like it would be massively appreciated (I still have my eye on that Fried Chicken Hat, so at the very least, please don't Boo it!), and I will play your levels in return (although maybe not for a few hours, because UK time zones etc). I also have two other levels currently uploaded, if you haven't played/liked those yet.



Hey hey, someone came by ! Saw you on reddit these days ! Good naming for a level (or otherwise I wouldn't have recognised it)
I know how hard it is to get some plays (and we're kind of in the same boat here) I'll check it out and will let you know what I think.
Won't promote my world here again, already did in post #2017 if you're interested.
Nice to see someone posting here, seems like the whole Internet abandoned this game !?

Super Mario and the 36.Chambers (SMM2)
ID : 62L-6MH-MQG


@SGE2000 Thanks very much! Yes, it does seem very quite these days, which is a shame, although from the few communities I've found on Reddit and Facebook the people who are still playing all seem really nice and supportive of each other, so that's something at least. Will definitely check out your world



Liked your Level ! But the regular player definitely needs a second try on it, cause the ?-block is just to tempting. ...and a little more decoration would be nice, but the 3D style is really limited !
Really like the heritage course !
Specially the Pac-man part !

Super Mario and the 36.Chambers (SMM2)
ID : 62L-6MH-MQG


@Tangocow I gave it a heart but I'm not totally sure I beat it the correct way. Were you supposed to use the boomerang for something because I definitely didn't.. I just used the builder suit to go to the end .. did I miss something obvious? 😆

Edit: Nevermind, I replayed it ... I definitely cheesed it the first time. I completely ignored the hints 😅 Cute puzzle, I'm just dumb.

And yeah, it's a pity the community is not more active. There are still people playing and making levels and a lot of YouTubers still use the game for content, but it's nothing like the popularity of the early days. Hopefully Mario Maker 3 will drop in a year or two and reinvigorate things... ideally without removing all the old levels this time.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I love this game, glad to find a community on this site! I'll definitely check out some of these levels! (I can't design much of anything haha)


Don't tell the me moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass.
-Anton Chekhov

Sorry, I can't stop changing my PFP!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25

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